
Postcard of McNally’s Ranch Citrus Label-circa 1920
The back of the card reads: The ranch owned Andrew McNally, co-founder of the Rand-McNally Publishing Co., flourished at the turn of the century producing citrus fruit and olives. Windermere Ranch was also the social center of the area. This label depicts the entrance the ranch where Neff Park and its three historic buildings still remain today.
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Information Offered to Seniors on Common Scams
La Mirada~Senior citizens are invited to attend an informational meeting on current scams affecting seniors. This meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 3 at 2 p.m. at the La Mirada Activity Center located at 13810 La Mirada Boulevard.
Presentations will be given by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Detectives and members of the La Mirada Public Safety Team.
For more information on this meeting or scams, contact the La Mirada Community Sheriff's Station at (562) 902-2960.

Here Comes the Judge
La Mirada~Spring will be here soon, and with it comes La Mirada's annual Spring Beautification program.
The Spring Beautification program recognizes property owners who have achieved a measure of excellence in the exterior maintenance and landscaping of their property.
Volunteer judges will be looking at homes throughout the community from March 1-14. Homes will be judged on landscaping, exterior maintenance and compliance with City codes.
Award recipients will be honored at a reception hosted by the City Council at the La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts on Monday May 10, 2009

Nominations Now Being Accepted For Most Improved Home
La Mirada~Nominations are now being accepted for the City of La Mirada's Spring Beautification program's "Most Improved" category.
The City of La Mirada annually recognizes property owners who put forth a tremendous effort to improve their properties through high levels of property maintenance, landscaping and compliance with City codes.
To nominate a property owner, a nomination form must be completed. The form must include before and after photos of the property along with a description of the improvements and the period of time over which the improvements were made. Any supplementary material will become the property of the City of La Mirada and may be used for publication.
Nomination forms are available at all City facilities or online at

Annual Spaghetti Dinner at LM High
La Mirada~The Kiwanis Club of La Mirada will sponsor the Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, January 29th, from 5-8 p.m. in the La Mirada High School Multi-Purpose Room.
Entertainment will be provided by The Racquettes who have performed
at many functions, including, Disneyland, Reno, and The Rose Bowl.
Food will be prepared by Biola's "Bon Appettit" and includes spaghetti, sauce, garlic bread, salad, and grated cheese.
Desserts will be provided by The Ebell Club of La Mirada for a small fee. Coffee and tea are free, but canned soda can be purchased.
Drawings will be held for door prizes and for the Half & Half winner.
For a great evening of good food and fun it is difficult to imagine all of this for only $5.00.
Tickets may be purchased at the door. For more information contact Robin or Marcy at (562) 943-0037 or visit the La Mirada MOW website at

Splash! Into the New Year at the Polar Bear Plunge
La Mirada~The word "Plunge" enjoys a special sentimental place in the hearts of people who have lived in La Mirada for a long period of time.
It now takes on a new meaning.
Take the plunge into the cold waters of Buccaneer Bay at Splash! on New Year’s Day from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The third annual Polar Bear Plunge will allow those daring enough to be among the first in 2010 to plunge down the 25-foot waterslides into an unheated catch pool.
Adventurers will receive a photo taken of the plunge down the slides, hot chocolate, and admission to recreational swim in the heated 25-yard pool from noon to 5 p.m. The adventure is available for $5 and is free for 2010 season pass holders.
Those who prefer warmer waters can enjoy the heated 25-yard pool from noon to 5 p.m. at the cost of $3 for adults and $2 for children and seniors. Hot chocolate, coffee, and mochas will be available for purchase.
For more information, call Splash! at (562) 902-3191.

The Show Must Go On-La Mirada Kiwanis Style
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La Mirada~The 2009 Knabe Katch almost didn't happen this year, but thankfully, last month, it did. The annual fishing derby, in its 13th year, usually takes place in August, but had to recheduled to November this year because of sick ducks and a biologically unhealthy La Mirada Lake. |

25th Annual Kiwanis Holiday Shopping Spree
La Mirada~With Christmas fast approaching, many La Mirada families are facing difficult financial circumstances. Sometimes, it can be tough to determine the best ways to lend a hand, but La Mirada Kiwanis has continued to find a way, year after year.
On Tuesday December 8th,La Mirada Kiwanis Club, in partnership with Sears and Ruby's Diner in Whittier, will be hosting their annual Holiday Shopping Spree to assist some of the city's economically challenged youth. Following the shopping spree, the children will be treated to breakfast at Ruby's and a visit from Santa!
This Tuesday's event will be the 25th annual, assisting 50 children selected from La Mirada schools. Each will be matched with a chaperone, and they will spend the morning shopping for new clothes at Sears and enjoying a tasty breakfast from Ruby's.
For some children, Tuesday will be the only day that they can purchase new clothes all year. Each child will have $100 to spend.

Trying to Ensure Everyone Has a Merry Christmas
La Mirada~The City of La Mirada's Annual Holiday Toy and Food Drive will run through December 14. New, unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items will be accepted for distribution to local children and families.
All food donations collected will help to prepare holiday food boxes that many families depend on for a wonderful holiday dinner. There are many families throughout the area who would not receive gifts and food for the holidays without the generosity of others in the community.
Donated items will be collected at City facilities including Splash! La Mirada Regional Aquatics Center, La Mirada Resource Center, La Mirada Activity Center, the Community Gymnasium, and the La Mirada Community Sheriff's Station.
Toy and food items will be presented to some of the following local organizations for distribution: Beatitudes of Our Lord, the La Mirada Volunteer Center, St. Paul of the Cross, and Interfaith Food Center.

Cerritos College Community Education Offers Motorcycle Classes
Norwalk~Are you interested in learning to ride a motorcycle? Cerritos College Community Education offers the Basic Motorcycle course on the weekends, all year long.
The 15-hour course consists of three classes over two weekends, which includes one day of classroom learning and two days on the bikes practicing skills. Bikes and helmets will be provided. A current driver's license or permit is required to sign up for the class. The classes start every week so one can begin any time at one's convenience.
The cost is $250 for those over 21 and $150 for those under 21. Upon successful completion of the course the students will receive a waiver from the driving portion of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) riding test.
Cerritos College Community Education also offers other motorcycle classes such as the Experienced Rider Course for those who have a motorcycle license but would enjoy a safety review. For more information on the motorcycle courses and hundreds of other classes in a variety of areas of interest and information, visit or call 562-467-5050.
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